The keto Diet Check list of ingredients

● The keto diet
o Low carb
o 20 to 50 grams of carbs a day
o Replace carbs with fat and protein
o Consistency is key
o Goal to get into ketosis

o When the body runs on fat or ketones
▪ Instead of sugar
o Easier to access fat stores
o Easier to lose weight
o Doesn’t use insulin as a transporter
o Keto named for ketosis

o Lose fat
o Quick results
o Regulates blood sugar levels
o Blood sugar normalizes
o No lows and peaks in sugar intake
o Consistent feel
o Avoids crashes
o Don’t feel hungry
o Reduces appetite
o Feel fuller longer
o Weight loss
o Decreases triglycerides
o Increases HDL cholesterol
o Decreases LDL cholesterol
o Reduces blood sugar and insulin levels
o Effective against metabolic syndrome
o Benefits brain disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Side effects
o Keto flu
▪ Flu-like symptoms
▪ Only lasts a couple of days
▪ Not the actual flu
▪ Not contagious
▪ Not recognized as an actual medical condition
▪ How to fight the keto flu
● Sleep well
● Drink water
● Drink matcha green tea
o Diarrhea
▪ Overworked liver
▪ Not enough fiber in your
o Ketoacidosis
▪ When the body stores too many ketones
▪ Especially true for those with type 1 or 2 diabetes
▪ Signs
● Dry mouth
● Frequent urination
● Nausea
● Bad breath
● Breathing difficulties
o Insomnia
o Fatigue
o Nausea and vomiting
o Endurance issues
o Headaches
o Constipation
o Dizziness
o Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
o Kidney stones
o Hepatic steatosis
o Hypoproteinemia

Types of ketogenic diets
o Standard
▪ Low carb with moderate protein and high fat
▪ 70% fat, 20% protein, 10% carbs
o Clinical
▪ Alternate between low carb intake and high carb days
o Targeted
▪ Add carbs around workouts
o High protein
▪ Low carb with high protein and fat
▪ 60% fat
▪ 35% protein
▪ 5% carbs

What you can eat
o High fat
o High protein
o Low carb
o Meat
▪ Read meat
▪ Steak
▪ Ham
▪ Bacon
▪ Lamb
▪ Poultry
o Fatty fish
▪ Mackerel
▪ Salmon
▪ Trout
▪ Tuna
o Eggs
▪ Pasteurized
▪ Omega-3 whole eggs
o Butter and cream
▪ Grass fed
▪ Heavy cream
o Cheese
▪ Unprocessed cheeses
▪ Cheddar
▪ Colby jack cream cheese
▪ Goat mozzarella
o Nuts and seeds
▪ Almonds
▪ Walnuts
▪ Flaxseeds
▪ Chia seeds
o Avocados
▪ Fresh guacamole
o Low carb vegetables
▪ Green vegetables
▪ Onions
▪ Peppers
o Condiments
▪ Salt
▪ Pepper
▪ Spices
▪ Herbs

What you can’t eat
o High carb
o High sugar
o Sugary food
▪ Soda
▪ Juice
▪ Candies
▪ Cake
▪ Ice cream
▪ Dessert
o Grains and starches
▪ Wheat-based products
▪ Rice
▪ Pasta
▪ Cereal
▪ Bread
o Fruits
▪ All fruit
▪ Except low-carb berries
o Beans or legumes
▪ Peas
▪ Kidney beans
▪ Lentils
▪ Chickpeas
o Root vegetables/tubers
▪ Potatoes
▪ Sweet potatoes
▪ Carrots
o Low fat diet products
▪ Low fat mayonnaise
▪ Low fat butter
o Condiments high in sugar
▪ Honey mustard
▪ Teriyaki
▪ Ketchup
o Unhealthy fats
▪ Processed foods
▪ Vegetable oils
o Alcohol
▪ Beer
▪ Wine
▪ Liquor
▪ Mixed drinks
o Sugar free diet food
▪ Sugar-free candies
▪ Sugar-free syrups
▪ Sugar-free desserts
● Kickstart ketosis
o Incorporate with intermittent fasting
▪ Eating for 8 hours a day
▪ Fasting for 16 hours a day
● Tips for going keto
o Plan your meals
o Make it fun
o Try intermittent fasting
o Listen to your body
● How to meal plan
o Meal plan
▪ Deciding on your meals beforehand
o Meal prepping
▪ Making the meals beforehand
o Find recipes
o Target recipes for your ratios
o Get ingredients
o Make meals if meal prepping

Meal plan ideas
o Breakfast
▪ Incorporate most of your carbs and sugars
▪ High fat to keep you feeling fuel
▪ Avocados
o Lunch
▪ Some carbs
▪ Veggies
▪ Poultry
▪ Grilled fish
▪ Meal prep
o Dinner
▪ No carbs
▪ High fat
▪ High protein
▪ Cheese
▪ Peppers
o Snacks
▪ Nuts and seeds
▪ Keto chips

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